Thanks for everyone’s feedback in recent days. We’ve been listening and have decided to move away from the Movable Type format that clearly the site outgrew long ago. We will have a more traditional bulletin board format up within the next few days; we will keep the old archives online so people can still go back and search them. Please let us know if you have any special topics in mind outside of the obvious things like plumbers, architects, etc. We also would like volunteers to help moderate areas of the forum, so let us know if you’re interested in chipping in.
Mr. B

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  1. I find this site very easy to navigate. I don’t know why everyone is complaining. It would just be nice for the post process to be quicker, that’s all.

    And all the people who post questions without first checking the archives are just lazy. Instead of answering their questions, we should just ignore those posts.

    I personally hate the look and navigation of a bulletin board. I’ll probably stop using this site if it goes to that permanently.

  2. I’m a frequent commenter but no techie. However, I’ve seen the forum, and theirs is searchable by topic, and the OP can gtie the post to multiple topics (e.g., a boiler query can be tied to plumbers, heating, etc). It would be great if people with a common problem could have easy access, without going through archives chronologically, to previous threads on the same topic. How about topics such as DOB, landmarking, taxes, loans, tenant/rental issues, plumbing, electrical, roofs, floors, kitchen/bath, general reno.

  3. There was a piece on WNYC this morning about Chowhound – the foodie website, blog, bulletin board, etc. I heard it in a fog of sleep, but you may want to listen to it. There was interesting conversation about using moderators and volunteers to help maintain a civil tone. I believe that the founder of Chowhound said that it requires about 12 hours a day to manage (delete?) all the really nasty comments people make. The personal attacks and nasty comments people make on brownstoner are so depressing. I hope the use of moderators could elevate the conversation a bit.

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