A Peek at the Floating Pool
With the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s floating pool set to open in less than ten days, we decided to pop in to see how things were going. The pool itself looks like it’s ready to be filled up. The poolside area and the complex housing the changing rooms and snack bar (the design of which looks…

With the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s floating pool set to open in less than ten days, we decided to pop in to see how things were going. The pool itself looks like it’s ready to be filled up. The poolside area and the complex housing the changing rooms and snack bar (the design of which looks quite nice) still have a ways to go. The sand for the parking lot “beaches” is in place. Now all they need are the volleyball nets. Our only concern about the pool is that it will be so much nicer than any other option that it will be too packed to enjoy. Anyone know if there going to be limits to the number of people allowed in?
“Project kids” need the pool more than wealthier kids of any persuasion, whose parents can afford to take them out of town on vacation, send them to camp, or summer in their second homes.
Gawd, let the kids splash in the pool in relative peace. Life is hard enough.
Lee, your capacity numbers sound about right from the articles I’ve read.
It’s really rather a small pool, and at a max cap of 175 will fill very quickly. The other problem, as reported by the Brooklyn Heights blog, is that the beach is actually at the next pier over from the pool, with no evident passthrough between the two other than Furman Street under the BQE. I went to look at the pool/beach combo yesterday from the Promenade and, assuming they were next to each other, never even noticed the beach area since it was so far away. As for the question of who will swim there, I figure anyone who is willing to take that long walk down there really deserves the comfort break, no matter where they’re from.
Glad to see that all it takes is a few black and Latino kids in the pool to keep the riff-raff out.
It’s a public place you pathetic racist twit.
all my life
which is more than i can say for most you smug phonies
Let me spell it out for you, in a way that will surely horrify you PC pansies:
It will be interesting to see if kids from the projects – predominantly black and latino – will overrrun this pool, thereby making it less desirable for yuppies & their children- predominantly white- to go there.
An undeiable phenomenon that has happened at may public pools throughout america, including NYC, including Brooklyn.
You mean children that live in nearby projects? Yes, Sammy, there will be children at the pool.
Have you lived in Brooklyn for very long?
yes, project kids
what, you all are trying to pretend they don’t exist?
get real
“project kids”?????
I’m sure it will be like the Red Hook pool StateStreeter — pretty much chaos. It’s for kids really, not a serious swimmer kinda place. You can fit a lot more kids playing in a poll that lap swimmers.
Meanwhile, Red Hook pool is beautiful. Altho Sammy might need to stay away.
Does anyone know if they’re going to have designated lap-swimming lanes/hours (for us “serious” swimmers ;). Or is it just going to be free-for-all chaos?
whats with the attitude, 11:25?
o i forgot, this is brownstoner
the topic i mentioned is quite interesting to many and the subject of a highly regarded book: