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  1. Yea, and I’m sure that 50-60% of studens in those local schools are reading and figuring at grade level. Thanks, Tish! All of the time that you spend at DDDB and other anti-development rallies is paying off big time.

  2. The “rumors” about Tish were so vague, stupid and unsubstancial they weren’t worth the link. Someone on her staff may have been picked up for some unnamed offense, and she may be in trouble for some unstated reason, maybe, vaguely, because she won her seat from someone who maybe, kinda sorta seems shady, maybe, seems as if, kinda rumored to maybe have, blah, blah.

    What a waste of cyber ink. That’s not journalism, it’s rumormongering of the worst sort, and only satisfies those who hate her anyway, and wastes her time, as she tries to defend herself by proving a negative. Shameful.

    Montrose Morris

  3. Kuntzman ruined what was once an interesting local paper – the amazing part is that with Blogs like this (and others) local news is infinitely more available than in the past – but rather than turning the paper into a more responsible source with real editorial discretion – Gersh turned the paper into a printed version of the dumbest/silliest Blog posts. He should re-title himself – Troll-in-chief.

    I’d bet that readership is down and probably in today’s day and age – will never recover – Shame

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