
“The Knick” crew on Howard Avenue Friday, around the corner from where the Steven Soderbergh-directed series was shooting on Decatur last week.

Brownstoner on Instagram
Photo by Steve Sherman

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  1. Dug up my login credentials to also point out that the removing morning and closing links (assuming this is new permanent strategy) is a ill-advised and inconsistent with other blogs. These eyeballs will be going elsewhere if this remains the case.

  2. Please add me to the growing list of those missing beginning- and end-of-day links. At the core of my being a Brownstoner fan is an appreciation for how the site attempts to have a finger on the pulse of the wider Brooklyn community. Removing the links and leading/ending with a photo is a pale and cheap substitute that only goes to accentuate the loss of value.

  3. “So if a portion of your readership makes a lunge for the steering wheel, don’t just threaten to turn the car around. Actually pull over and make those readers get out and walk. You’ve got somewhere else to be.”

  4. I just find her posts boring and over-written. Her research is impressive, and I’ve got no reason to think she’s not a nice person.

  5. This is irony right? MM is an atrocious writer and the tortured language of her pieces makes my head hurt. Despite that, her heart is in the right place, the premise is on target, and sincerely hope the feature remains.