Hi Everyone,
wanted to gauge your thoughts on the need of a good diner! My husband and I really want to open a food establishment but with more of a soul/southern style experience. We were thinking Red Hook as the only diner I know is Hope & Anchor and that gets mixed reviews. We live in Park Slope and the now that “The Usual” is gone and Grand Canyon is just “ok” – do you think a diner is a good fit

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  1. it sounds like bubby’s is the place youre describing. theres one in tribeca and one in Dumbo.

    the secret would be to find a reasonable rent and low expenses so you can keep price points down.

  2. downtown brooklyn is a good idea. another good idea is to stay open just long enough to serve dinner, like meat loaf style. especially if you have mini juke box at table style.

  3. There’s already a new diner coming to Red Hook.. Why don’t you look to open a place in the Gowanus it’s also up in coming and has a bunch of hotel establishments that have opened…I actual have a commercial space that will be available for lease in the next coming months. It’s located on 3rd Ave between 8TH and 9th …email me at focused1186@yahoo.com if interested

  4. Too little too late, try Prospect Heights or North Crown Heights that only has Tom’s which has very limited hours and is not open on Sundays.

  5. I hate to say but Crown Heights is another place that a diner would work. Franklin Ave is getting hotter everyday.

  6. We need a diner in Bedford Stuyvesant. I have talked to many residents of the area and we all agree that a diner is need. Mikes in Clinton Hill the nearest one. That is over 150,000 people without a diner. Lewis, Stuyvesant and Thompkins Ave would be ideal places for something like a diner.

  7. I passed by The Usual today and it appeared to be open for business…..

  8. Consider Windsor Terrace, south, by the park. Tons of families in the area who would LOVE a place to grab that kind of food and a more middle class, not so yuppie, clientele.

  9. You should check out Tom’s Diner on Washington Ave and Park Place. They seem to have a great breakfast/lunch business.

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