
We were shopping in Crown Heights Saturday afternoon when we heard about the two policemen shot in their patrol car at Myrtle and Tompkins. A Facebook friend was sitting in a car behind them when it happened, her toddler asleep in the back seat. It seems the police killing that took place in Bed Stuy could have a lasting effect on the city. How do you feel about what happened?

Photo by _elkue2 on Instagram via Gothamist

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  1. I just created an account to make a similar point as some others: The headline is lazy and inaccurate. It’s also irresponsible in that it serves to bolster the self-serving narrative of the police union president.

  2. Guiliani, stop & frisk and Patrick Lynch have all contributed to a generation of youth that cannot trust the Police and Mothers of such youths live in terror every day.
    Guiliani is showing signs of senior filter issues and should stay out of any meaningful conversation.
    Patrick Lynch should admit that there are some bad apples and stop sheltering them and start working towards protecting the vast majority of good cops, the bad apples are the ticking time bomb in the Police departments around the country..
    But this has nothing to do with NYC Police tactics; this is a mental health and access to guns issue; a major American cultural issue that has nothing to do with race relations. On access to mental health there is no race issue; it is difficult for all Americans.

  3. Agreed. The title of the article is idiotic. The city is not polarized. At time Brownstoner and Fox News seem to have the same tilt… 99.9999% of the people in this condemn the shooting and mourn the death of the officers.

  4. Two unrelated comments:
    1) The title of this article is stupid. “Polarize” means: to cause (people, opinions, etc.) to separate into opposing groups. I think 99.9% of people agree that what happened is horrible.

    2) @BrooklynCouch, I’m not a DeBlasio apologist, but the Mayor has nothing to do with what happened. The murderer wasn’t even from NYC.

  5. DiBlasio has set the tone by standing side by side with that criminal race-baiter Al Sharpton and their unified anti-police rhetoric. If only more people saw Sharpton for what he really is, a man who prays on his own peoples misfortunes to better his own. Based on DiBlasios most recent actions and comments he has no business leading a city like New York. He is no better than scum like Sharpton or even Farrakhan. It’s leaders/people like these that undermine our very fragile society.

  6. I agree, hopefully he does resign. It ism scary how quickly this city can and will go back to pre-Guiliani crime rates. It’s like Dinkins all over again with this clown of a mayor we have.