Open Thread

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  1. Today was such an amazingly epically unbelievably bad day that it’s actually warped all the way past badness into being funny.

    First, I worked really late last night and had to wake up early this morning.

    And it’s a holiday weekend.

    This morning, the septic at my house got fucked while I was showering, and I looked down and I was standing in 3 inches of effluent from the septic. One of the most disgusting moments of my life.

    Then my subway commute took the better part of 2 hours.

    Then – and this is a really long story – I end up having to share a bathroom at a McDonalds with a homeless guy cause I had to go wicked bad and he wouldn’t leave.

    And then this afternoon I end up in the ER with all kind of wires being attached to me. The whole time I was marking up a document, of course.

    And now I’m still at work.

  2. All the brownstoner people apparently work 9 to 5 on weekdays. Must be union employees. Exept for the ones who are between jobs. They are union bloggers.

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