Does anyone know anything about the brick spaces that are built out underneath the base of the Brooklyn Bridge?

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  1. When terror/paranoia deprives us of such experiences as the interior of the Brooklyn Bridge, then terrorism succeeds. I’m no expert, but I’ll bet anyone wanting to seriously hurt the bridge could find effective ways of doing so without even getting near the Brooklyn anchorage. I’ve only seen pictures of the space, and it’s magnificent. I wanna go there. Please, Mr. Bin Laden, let me in.

  2. Those spaces were once used for housing (at the time the area was as slum) then for storage. Yes even wine cellars. In the 60’s and 70’s the city took over them and later they were deamed
    uninhabitable and a fire trap. Not to mention the fear that a fire might damage the Bridge. Now they are pretty much pigeon condo’s except for what the DOT uses for storage. I am quite sure that in the near future some money hungry Developer will pay off the right people and build “Luxury Condo’s”

  3. does anyone ever think that we’ve been a little brain washed with the terrorism threat? Why the hell would you need to go into anchorage if your intent was evil? You could do all your evilness equally effectively from right where this photo was taken or anywhere in the pic, nice trailer, or the not-bricked-in-side. NYPD does nothing more than jam up traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.
    what the hell is the cop sitting in his car forcing a bottle neck actually going to do?
    we need to take our country back from the clowns state side selling fear.
    I’m with the Donald – build the f’in WTC right back, exactly as it was, a little stronger, state of the art fire protection and communications, and 1ft taller at least.
    We’re a resilient people.
    They say no one would want to work there – on the 100 and something floor – I’ll move in tomorrow. I worked in 4WTC and I’d jump at the chance to work as high up in the tower as I could get.
    And so would thousands like me – and we should have a new national holiday when we’ll all stand in the “new” windows on the world, and on the roofs of the new towers and proudly fly the universally understood bird. F’em. F’em all.
    They’re cowards, but the saddest thing is, they’ve succeeded – succeed in revealing what cowards we Americans really are.

  4. I went to one of those creative time parties a few years ago, and the space was really fabulous. kind of spooky, but superfabulous. does it mean that the terrorists have already won since we can’t have our parties in our superfabulous stanchions anymore?

  5. On a tour of the anchorage some 10 years ago I recall the guide saying w/more than a little distain and surprise that [they] are often asked if the space was available to buy or rent as a residence.