I will need to install a meter at my new Brooklyn property which doesn’t have one currently. The previous owner had a frontage account which he paid for annually and I definitely don’t want that.

Any recommendations for licensed NYC plumber who can do this quickly and handle the necessary paperwork as well?

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  1. I’ve been trying to get DEP to install a new meter for months. Appointments aren’t available for about 30 days out, and then DEP has not shown up for two appointments.

  2. The previous owner paid close to 2K for the year on the frontage plan. Doesn’t that seem really high for a single family house though? I can’t imagine using enough water to justify $160 a month so that’s why I am asking what is a typical bill for a Victorian house that uses metered billing.

  3. I switched from frontage to metered billing for an apartment building, and the DEP took care of installing the new meter at no cost to me. There was an existing meter that they replaced with the new one that sends reading wirelessly. I did a few months of meter readings to determine that I’d spend about half on metered vs. frontage billing. If you have frontage billing and you use an unusually large amount of water you may be better off, but they keep raising the frontage rates to the point that almost everyone is better off with metered.

  4. I thought about keeping the frontage account. Would anyone know how much it would typically cost for a Victorian house per month? I know its based on individual usage but a ballpark number would help finalize my decision.