Anyone know where I can get a heavy-duty (no pun intended…) plunger?

I don’t know if its the pipes in my building or what, but both my apt and tenants’ seem to have toilets that clog easily and sinks that drain slow– my dollar store plunger isn’t cutting it anymore. Perhaps it a sign of a bigger issue, but right now I only have a budget for a serious plunger.

Tell me where you get a real-deal, master plumber-approved plunger in the PS/Gowanus/Brooklyn area- thanks for your replies!

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  1. I can’t believe that a thread asking for a plunger recc. got 18 (well, now 19)posts!!!

  2. This is a really funny thread. hahahaha….. plungers, snakes, big turds….Master Plumber’s slow drains.
    I hope you get the problem solved. Let us know what happens and where you buy your industrial plunger.

  3. O.K., this getting silly. I’ll give you a little of my background. In 1978 I was pulling the buds off of a nice little green plant I grew in my fathers garden, when the phone rang and it was my brother’s father in-law calling to see if I wanted a job with his plumbing company. For some godforsaken reason I said yes. Here I am 33 yrs later still in this wonderful industry(except now I work in wholesale).
    I did everything from roughing strip malls, home renovations, super markets & office buildings from the ground up, and then I ran the service department for many years. We did all kinds of repairs from small to big, and yes we snaked out sewers, from small to big.
    Forget about the plunger, stop wasting your time with a friggin plunger. It’s only good for really big turds and when you use too much paper. O.K. do I need to repeat myself.

    Hire a friggin’ plumber that snakes drains!!!!!!!

  4. There are a bunch of professional plumbing stores in Bushwick. One is on Broadway somewhere around Gates or so. The other one was covered by BushwickBK.

  5. Master Plvmber — like my grandmother used to say, “the cobbler’s children go barefoot.” Good luck with the tub and Mrs. P.

    OP — since you are in the area, if HD and Lowe’s don’t ahve what you need, try Leopoldi’s on 5th Ave/7th St and Park Slope Plumbing on 5th Ave at Prospect Ave. You’ll actually find knowledgeable help in both places.

  6. You can use a plunger. Sometimes it clogs when you throw tissue in a toilet . Also some toilet brands dosen’t have enough pressure of water when the waste goes away. This might hold up and clogs.

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