My tenant and her partner are complete slobs. Should I tell them that they need to clean it up? If so, how should I approach the situation?

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  1. Hey Faithful, completely off topic: What’s going on with Beer? I’m worried about him, he hasn’t returned my calls for a few days, and before that he stopped by and he complained about high blood pressure. I hope he’s ok. Can you email me at
    yury at thynkdesign dot com ?

  2. I have no problem with messy. Messy is piles of clothes on the floor, mountains of books, unmade beds and clutter. The important thing is that it gets regularly cleaned up and the place doesn’t get dirty, i.e. kitchen and bathroom unclean and rotting garbage or animal grossness. And that clutter doesn’t spill out into the hall. I have a wonderful tenant whose place looks lovely for company and which looks like a bomb hit it sometimes (when I need to get in there on an emergency basis), but her place is clean. Often messy but clean. She is busy and I am not the housekeeping police. I had one tenant who had foul habits and her place was dirty and yes, there were animals and old garbage and now she is gone. Bye.

  3. messy doesn’t mean unclean(ask Felix Unger)….I would like to know what you mean by messy.

    as a resident adviser at college with some off campus residence responsibility….we always had more messy men’s dorms but the off campus problems on cleanliness seemed to be female related….

    if the messy means a problem that brings vermin than of course it becomes your problem to. Is the apartment rent regulated or not? If not and you don’t like them for any reason except one prohibited by statute- throw them out when the lease is up and if its not returned broom clean charge them for it.

  4. u said your tenant and her ‘partner’. every lesbian ive ever known keeps dirty house. next time rent o gay men. seriously!


  5. I’m not elderly and have no need for assistance, but I’d love someone to carry my groceries up to my apartment. Anyone want to do that for me?

  6. on second thought, restore DH onto the list – that helping elderly neighbor with groceries could be super attractive to my fellow tenants.

  7. “note to self – scratch DH off list of prospective tenants for rental ”

    My landlord loves me – I’m a model tenant. I have maid’s service come in bi-monthly and in between i’m picking up after my slob of a roommate. I help my elderly upstairs neighbor carry her groceries up and I help my neighbor with the gardening she does around the pathetic tree infront of her house.

    and in return he gives me respect by leaving me the EFF alone.

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