For the past 4 years i had carpenter bee coming in my back yard,any suggestion to have them go away.
They are making nest in the ground and and come back each year.

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  1. i am not planning to kill them but i got a lot lot of them in my backyard ,the Carpenter bee and and i got the Proxylocopa bee they are the one who make the nest on the ground.
    And they are coming back every year.

  2. please don’t kill them . there is a shortage of bees in the world and its becoming a crises Carpenter bees are amongst the biggest pollinators. please dont kill them.

  3. nesting in the ground sounds like bumble bees, not carpenter bees. Neither will bother you unless the hive is in a high traffic area and they feel threatened. Bumble bees can get aggressive in that case despite their reputation. Unless you or your kids are getting stung, however, relax, leave them alone, and let them pollinate.

    If you really must, then flood the hive area and take a long 1/4 inch metal rod and repeatedly jam it into the ground around the hive opening to let the water into the nest – you’ll be able to feel the air pockets with the rod. Do this at night and with plenty of water on the surface or you will be in for a world of hurt….

  4. an exterminator can come kill them.

    in my experience they come back the following year anyway so if you are going to go that route be prepared to exterminate every year.

    iris’s recommendation to paint the old wood is probably the best approach.

  5. I have carpenters in my back yard (they have burrowed into the wood of the porch), they’re mostly harmless, and a garden needs bees to thrive. Unless there are a lot of them, they don’t do much incremental damage every year. The males can’t sting and the females generally don’t. I can’t see why you would want to get rid of them. But assuming you just don’t want bees around…

  6. They only damage unpainted wood to build a nest. Once they have one and since they have no stinger they are harmless. They are solitary and don’t form a hive. I say let them be.

  7. If they’re making a nest in the ground, I don’t think they’re carpenter bees. In my experience, the carpenter bees only make nests in wood. There are differing opinions as to whether this is truly destructive or just annoying. Since they rarely sting, and they are pollinators, I was reluctant to kill them. (Also, since my house is well over a hundred years old and hasn’t collapsed yet, I doubted they were doing any serious damage.) The best way I’ve found to discourage them is to paint the areas they like with oil-based paint. I did this a couple of years ago and there have been fewer and fewer each year. In fact, this year I seem to be down to one.