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  1. Please, I’m all for community input into new alcohol places, but the community board approved this in JULY – and while there are laws about alcohol licenses, I for one (and I’m a lawyer) cannot fathom why it should take months for the state to approve a liquor license. Our tax dollars are paying for agencies to enforce regulations and issue licenses, and I for one would like to see them operate more efficiently. There is no reason to make opening new businesses, which is good for our neighborhoods and city, so difficult.

    Come on, we all eat out and drink, and rely on people to be able to operate the business we want to patronize.

    And, before anyone starts, this is not my area of practice, I don’t have any connection to the restaurant owners, and I don’t live in that part of the ‘hood, so am not likely to be a patron…

  2. People, settle down. Yeah, it’s an NY Times story, but it’s in the City Section, for cryin’ out loud! That’s the “Bumfuck Bugle” section of the Sunday paper. Please don’t accord it the same esteem or respect as the real news sections of the paper.

  3. 10:14

    Actually, I’m a bar owner. Someone who has been through the bull shit of getting a license. With my place it took about 6-7 months start to finish. I think I did well.

    This is about entitlement. I notice this city filling up with people who think they ~deserve~ everything they desire.

    ps: before I get accused of being jealous, my bar is in another neighborhood so no competition here. I wish this guy the best. But c’mon, a NY Times story?