
Preservationist group Preserve Park Slope proposes to cut the height of Methodist Hospital’s expansion plans by shifting the bulk to a nearby parking garage, The New York Daily News reported. The new plan would bring the height of the complex more in line with its surroundings. However, as far as we know, it would do nothing to reduce increased traffic in the neighborhood.

Methodist has already said no to the idea because it would require closing the garage for about 17 months and prevent doctors from consulting with each other. The hospital has the right to build a taller, thinner addition than the one it is proposing without a variance from the city.

The Board of Standards and Appeals will be hold a public hearing on the expansion April 8.

What do you think of the alternate plan, above?

Methodist Opponents Unveil Alternate Expansion Plan [NY Daily News]
Rendering by Preserve Park Slope via Daily News

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