This morning protesters outside the Atlantic Yards site claimed that they’d been deceived about job creation at Atlantic Yards and other developments in Downtown Brooklyn. As Atlantic Yards Report explains, the protest was organized by People for Political and Economic Empowerment (P.P.E.E), who initially supported Atlantic Yards because of the jobs it was supposed to create. Martin Allen, president of P.P.E.E, told AY Report: “We was there when you called us, to go in front of the press, and speak our minds about jobs and contracts, about why Atlantic Yards was a good project for Brooklyn. So don’t turn your back now after you feel like you got your foot in the door, and leave us standing on the other side of the doorway.” That sentiment was echoed this morning as protesters gathered to yell through a megaphone outside the construction site. “We’re fighting because we’ve been lied to,” Allen told the crowd. “We were promised jobs and they never came.” He also yelled toward the construction site, addressing developer Bruce Ratner: “You’re shameful… you’re a monster to Brooklyn.” Another protester, taking the megaphone, said, “This is just the beginning. We’ll be here, and you’ll be held accountable. You can run but you can’t hide.” Click through for more photos.
Formerly Vocal and Distruptive Atlantic Yards supporters, P.P.E.E., to Rally July 27 [AY Report]

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  1. unfortunately the good government groups that perhaps could have kept the developer’s feet to the fire and made him keep his promises were all fighting to kill the project completely. Lets not forget that this is just a sports arena, it is neither the demise of Brooklyn nor the answer to all its problems.

  2. the trade unions are tough to get into, no question, but you can get into one if you try and are willing to put in your apprenticeship years. The good news is that there are plenty of non-union construction jobs as well. If you want to work and have skills you will not be unemployed for long in the construction business right now in NYC. walk down any street and you will see at least one or two sidewalk sheds.

  3. hmmm. don’t know, there is a construction project underway, lots of people are working on it, it’s a union crew, what are the protestors seeking? there is a sad tradition in Brooklyn of certain coalitions demanding “jobs” at construction sites while in actuality what they seek is protection money by way of no-show jobs. That is corruption and it should not be tolerated. If these folks are skilled construction workers I doubt they would be protesting. And if they are not skilled construction workers, why are they seeking jobs in a union construction site? I have to know more about this, but the threatening tone is an indication to me that these are not professionals seeking to be let into the union or seeking true construction jobs. I could be wrong. Just don’t know.