Okay, you gotta check this out. This 12-foot-wide, single-family home at 613 East 89th Street in Canarsie was built mid-boom (2005-2006) and has been flirting with foreclosure for most of this year. (There’s a lien of $321,984 on the place.) Apparently, but not surprisingly, the developer was never able to find a buyer. Wonder why! Click through for the money shot. GMAP

Photo from PropertyShark

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  1. $300,000 for a new single-family house? not so bad. low density zoning requires a min. of 8′ between houses. this may have been as wide as possible. besides, there are 12 foot wide brownstones in parkslope and MM recently wrote about 11′ wide rowhouses in clinton hill. aren’t these turn of the century, narrow townhouses considered “charming”?