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  1. cmu- I do agree. Seems to me there is no reason to treat animals cruelly- we certainly have the means and the technology to set up facilities that are humane. Whether we have the morality is another story.

  2. “Which is more important – treating animals nicely, or providing food for humans? ”

    a society is known by the way it treats its weakest, including animals…Gandhi

    If you think feeding people at the expense of ill-treating animals is ok, I feel profoundly sorry for you.

  3. Please, What, tell us what is going to happen.

    Posted by: daveinbedstuy at July 30, 2009 1:26 PM

    Dear Dave the finance guy, This is what is going to happen: There are still more financial bubbles up in the air (banking schemes and scams). When one more of these bubbles pops it will set off a chain reaction of other bubbles, also up in the air. Meaning it will not just be one bubble, to hit one other bubble; but a multiplied effect. Some bubbles depend on others for support. When one goes, many others may go. Wasn’t that taught in finance school? Maybe you did not go to the school of such a crooked economy as exists today.

    About 3 months ago it was predicted that this would happen in about 6 months (predicted albiet by the “gloom and doomers”, nevertheless, the “gloom and doomers” also predicted the sub-prime mortgage fiasco). So let us prepare for the worst and pray the big collapse does not happen.

    We don’t want to think about this or talk about it much. Too horrible.

    Love ya, Dave, and love the What too.

  4. Yeah – Baci has pretty good pizza too. I haven’t had the brunch pizza though. I’m actually ordering from them right now for dinner! I don’t know how they manage to deliver everything and keep it so freakin hot!!

  5. ahhhh, top five pizza joints! That makes sense.

    You know what’s weird, though? I actually love Bacci & Abracci’s brunch pizza (the one with the guancale, tomato, and egg) even more. Poor Bacci & Abracci. They are so good, but they don’t get any love. In fact, we haven’t been there for a few months. I hope they are busy.

  6. Sweet Mopar – yeah Motorino is pretty great. I forget, did I say Motorino was top 4 restaurants in NYC? If so I retract that statement!

    I think pizza snobs are all in agreement that it’s top 5 pizza joints in the city (and they are taking over one of the top 5, so top 3 perhaps?) I dunno – I haven’t met a slice of pizza I haven’t liked haha.

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