pollstation1.jpgWell, it looks like Barack Obama is more popular in Brownstone Brooklyn than in New Hampshire. Of the 393 readers who voted Democratic in our online poll yesterday, 51% opted for the senator from Illinois. Hillary Clinton came in second with 29% and Edwards a distant third with 15% (there’s something the two areas agreed on). The other most interesting number: 28% of respondents said that they would support Mayor Bloomberg instead if he were to decide to run. Only 7% of respondents reported being Republican. Surprised?

Update: We’ve added a lot more detail on the jump.
Which Way Are Readers Leaning in the Presidential Race? [Brownstoner]

Total respondents: 434

1. What Is Your Household Income?
Less Than $100,000 25.8%
$100,000 to $250,000 50.7%
More Than $250,000 23.5%

2. What Is Your Race?
Black 7.2%
White 85.6%
Asian 3.5%
Latino 3.5%
Other 2.8%

3. Five Top Responding Neighborhoods:
Park Slope 19.7%
Clinton Hill 9.5%
Fort Greene 8.1%
Carroll Gard 6.5%
Bk Heights 6.3%

4. If the New York Democratic Primary were held today, which candidate would you vote for?
Clinton 26.6%
Edwards 13.7%
Kucinich 3.7%
Obama 46.8%
Richardson 2.3%
Republican 7.6%

5. If Mayor Bloomberg entered the race as an independent, would you be likely to vote for him instead of your selection above?

Yes 28.2%
No 71.8%

Cross Sections
– Obama got 71% of the black vote and 44.6% of the white vote
– Obama got 52% of the Over $250,000 vote

Duh! Obviously the important other factor we left out was sex.

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. my only comments, 7:30pm, because I agree with pretty much everything you say is that

    1. we did rout the taliban- not for the statues of course, but going into Afghanistan was one of those things that had to be done in light of 9-11.
    2. Amnesty Int’l is an incredible organization but has yet to come out against terrorism or cite Palestinians for siucide bombings. In fact a few years ago when a suicide bomber blew up a club in Israel, killing mostly young people, teens, I don’t believe Amnesty Int’l ever made a statement condemning it. I have yet to hear organizations -including the UN- condemn the practice of raising Arab children to believe a glorious death, suicide by killing Israelis, is heroic.

    In fact the AI site is more about the US- and trust me, Bush should be in prison as far as I am concerned- and very little about the human rights violations occuring in everyday Arab society which is far more extensive than the problems at Guantanamo or Abu Gahraib. If offers the website in english,french, spanish and arabic. While they may not have a political agenda, they are playing politics i think.

    Suicide bombing and the glorification of killing Israelis, the exploitation of children to become suicide bombers- how does this go unmentioned? A search brings up one report which basically blames Israel and makes no mention that any of Israel’s actions are in retaliation for suicide bombings. Until the international community makes the Palestinians take responsibility for their part in this mess, nothing will change. But complicity with the Palestinians is a blood sport these days and since Arab countries are the world’s biggest oil exporters, I doubt we will see fair treatment of Israel anytime soon.

    Israel is the only established democracy in the Middle East- look at a history of hte region. It would be no more stable and content without Israel, just one less fake rallying issue.

  2. No not at all I do not support it at all but as we say in this country ignorance is no defense of the law. The situation with the Brittish women in the Sudan was of course ludicrous as was the incident in Singapore where an American teenager was sentenced to caning. In the case in the Sudan parents and teachers from the school testified in her behalf and diplomatic means were used to resolve the whole affair. The Taliban blowing up the Buddha statues could not be resolved because they had sovereignty. This was a sad loss. I have the utmost respect for organizations like Amnesty International because they do advocate for peoples human rights, all over the world, without a political agenda. They have criticized the US for police brutality, the death penalty and the atrocities in our penal system, the Taliban for mistreatment of women and Israel for mistreatment of Palestinians. It is due to their lack of having a political agenda that their opinions are respected. We can definitely agree there.

  3. 6:12- I realized that was what you meant. And yes the naming of teddy bears is their own business. But do you advocate this country standing by as one of it’s citizens got 200 lashes for not knowing that?

    The destruction of another religion’s sacred icons in a country that has both religions is humanity’s business because therein are the seeds of genocide. Some things are universal business- like whipping rape victims for being raped. The problem with fundamentalists is that they use religion as a means of stripping away human, and if you believe, g-d-given rights. I don’t think we have the right to tell a country they must become a democracy, but we do have a responsibility to take a stand on protecting the innocent from harm. there is a reason that Amnesty International exists and it had nothing to do with a country’s politics, but with a right to life.

    Is it wrong to tell a country you will not import their goods if they force women to commit suicide after being raped because it is a cultural norm for that country? I thing we would be right to do so. That particular kind of meddling I can live with. But I totally agree with you about the growing evangelical clout. It’s terrifying.

    And thanks, by the way for discussing,not insulting, even when we disagree. It rarely happens on Brownstoner anymore.

  4. 6:12 here
    That should have read “I DO believe that once created Israel has a right to exist”

    If they have a law against naming teedy bears Muhammad, that’s there business. If they knock down statues in their countries, again there business. I happen not to agree that either is right but again, it is there business. Now if they knocked down a statue in this country, we would have a problem. We forget that similar things did happen in this country with the Puritans and the with the growing evangelical political clout could easily happen here again.

  5. 6:12- Is anything any country does without motive? And yes- poor policy does add fuel to the fire, but at some point you have to think that the issue is really a media tool for gain by terrorists. If Israel ceased to exist, the jihad movement would momentarily deflate, then find something else- like ancient Buddhist statues that offend their eyes, or a child’s naming a teddy bear Mohammed.

    You are right- they don’t care about our freedom, and our present policy is to shove democracy down everyone’s throat because we are are obviously the anointed. the human rights issue aside, unless I am willing to grant another country the right to meddle in how my government is run, I don’t think we should try to tell other countries they have to be like us. And true again- you can’t account for lunatics.