Who the hell’s going to buy this crap (this one happens to be in Bed Stuy) now that the market is no longer in a frenzy and lenders aren’t giving money away? Are all these new design disasters destined to wither on the vine to be repo’d by HPD in a few years? Notice that the ad says that the house is ON SALE, not just FOR SALE. Nice touch.
$699000 New 3 Family House ON SALE !!! [Craigslist]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. This is definitely new construction. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out they changed design or materials midway through project. As 7:50 so eloquently stated, these are built solely for profit, not aesthetics.

    These are not the helping hand for the first time homebuyer, or a boon to middleclass housing. There are exceptions, of course, but most of these houses are poorly built, will cost some poor cash strapped owner a fortune to keep fixing, and will be extremely hard to sell, as the word gets out that they may be new, but they are crap.

    If buying one of these was my best or only option, I would beg, borrow or steal to get a quality home inspector and pay the $1000 to get a long, complete inspection of every inch. It will be worth every cent.

  2. this is the result of a developer spending 10k of architect fees. I am a builder in the area and watched this house go up. thought about taking picture and sending it in for you guys to have fun.

    love how small the doors look in the middle picture.

  3. Does anyone know if this is, in fact, a new construction? Only asking because the brickwork under the two top windows looks like fill-in for old bay windows. Unless that’s because the developer figured out that bricks were cheaper than windows in the middle of the project and changed the original plan.

  4. [Aims cannon above front doors, fires at close range]

    KABLAM!!!! [thud, crunkle, crunkle]

    There, that’s better. It cried out for a window there.

    Now, for the front garden…[plants land mines…]

  5. Rehab – so what! You dont need old growth oak Joists or beams and at the end of the day, if the roof or lintels leak it is irrelevant how thick the plaster walls are. Again the ‘feel’ of an old house is unmistakable (very nice) but that isnt the only definition of Quality.

    An old British Rolls Royce has a solid quality feel – but is a piece of crap when it comes to everyday reliability.

    The point is – old homes can be great but it doesnt mean everything new is crap – even it doesnt feel as “substantial” as your old house.

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